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Welcome to our website! You are not reading this by accident! God is working in your life to help and bless you which is why New Beginning Fellowship Church exists. We are a church that Loves, Accepts and Forgives "LAFs" because that is what people need. That is also exactly what God offers to every person on the planet. He offers His love, acceptance and forgiveness.

So, let me ask you - How is your relationship with the Creator? Are you close to God or distant? Can you freely communicate with the Heavenly Father or do you feel your prayers don't get past the ceiling? Do you believe He accepts and cares for you? Do you feel He has failed you or is responsible for some tragedy that happened in your life? Have you been hurt by Christians or by the church? Do you reject "Organized Religion"?

Whatever your experience has been or whatever questions and struggles you may have, we believe Jesus is the Answer! He is the Messiah and He is Alive! He came to fix broken people and we are all broken. When Jesus walked on this earth He went around doing good, loving, healing and blessing people (Acts 10:38). We at NBFC want to serve as a channel of His love and goodness. We invite you to join us for a worship service which will be a great blessing to you. Use the resources on our website for your benefit. Contact us if you have questions or need prayer. And remember that the Creator of the Universe so loved you, that He gave His only Son, Jesus, that you might have life and "have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). God bless you!

- Pastor Jim McCool

A Welcome
From Our

What are your worship experiences like?

Worship experiences on Sunday mornings typically last an hour and a half. We gather together to sing praise, listen to a message and pray. Music is contemporary Christian and is presented by a talented team of musicians. The messages are Bible based and relevant to our everyday lives. Don't be surprised if someone shakes your hand or gives you a hug. We're excited to be together, and we're inspired by God's love for us. Our hope is that you will feel at home with family! Worship experiences on Wednesday evenings last an hour and a half also. We gather together for an adult Bible study. Wednesday is a relaxing time of fellowship, learning and growing with family in the Word of God.

What about my kids?

On Sunday mornings we have programs during the main worship for all children from infant to grade 6.

What's expected of me?

Nothing really. Just come as you are and be our guest. We're honored that you would choose to spend some time with us.

What should I wear?

Casual and comfortable. You'll see people wearing everything from shorts and flip-flops or jeans and t-shirts to nice slacks and dresses. It's up to you. Come as you are.